October 8, 2007

An Unblurred Life

I’m a motorcycle rider. It’s the best form of transportation ever invented, in my opinion. I love the breeze blowing around me as I thunder down the road with nothing in-between me and nature. No windows, no roof, nothing.

Bikers are a different breed. They know it takes a special kind of person to drive a vehicle that affords no safety in an accident. They show their respect for one another by giving each other a small wave as they pass by another biker. I’ve always thought this was pretty cool, this camaraderie of the 2 wheeled family.

I’ve gotten pretty good at handling a motorcycle over the years. There’s just one thing that continues to be a problem: changing lanes without running over the little reflector bumps in the road.

It’s true, ask any biker. Even though the reflectors are only 4 inches square, and about 10 feet apart, it’s almost impossible to change lanes without running over these things!

The reason is focus. I keep running over the reflectors because I’m staring at them trying to avoid them, but where ever I’m looking is exactly where I end up going.

It’s the same with our relationship with God. We should take time to analyze where we’re placing our focus. Are we focusing on God, or have we let that connection blur?

Matthew 14:23-32 tells us about Jesus walking on water. In this account, Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water with Jesus until he took his focus off of Him, then he sank. But as soon as his focus was placed back on Jesus he rose out of the water and walked on it again.

This is a pretty clear indication of what happens when we let our focus become blurred. Luckily for Peter he regained his focus before he drowned.

Focusing is important, and we hear references about it all the time. Take baseball for instance. How many times have you heard the phrase “keep your eye on the ball”? It means wherever you’re looking is where your bat will go when you swing. It’s the same in life.

I’ve found that when I’m focused on God, when I’m praying and reading my Bible and talking to God all day long, I’m happy, patient, and kinder towards others. I feel better about my life.

It’s all about focus. If you focus on this world, that’s where your life will go. But if you truly focus on God, you will see what living an unblurred life is really like.

Where is your focus today? On God, or the bumps in the road?

“God, sometimes I let the things of this world blur my sight of You. Help me to be stronger. Stronger for me and for my family, so my focus will always be on You, and not the trappings of this world.”

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