October 31, 2007

Being a Double-headed Coin

How's it going today? Are you having a good day, or a bad day? Is your bad day being caused by other people? You know who I'm talking about, the people in your office that never seem to have anything good to say, or ever had anything good happen to them. It's always something. They complain about the work, the people, the weather, their pay, etc. It's a wonder they can get anything done!

Having a good day is really your decision. You make the call when you wake up. A mental coin is flipped in your mind and "heads" it's a good day, "Tails" it's a bad day.

The secret is having a double-headed coin. Wake up and allow yourself to have a great day no matter how anyone else acts. Don't let the hopeless complainer in your office spoil your day. Simply say to yourself "God put this day here for me to excel, to grow, to praise Him, and to let my good day rub off on others."

You'll be surprised how the attitude of the people around you will change if you show them it's possible to love life. Be the double-headed coin!

"Realize that there are no hopeless situations; only people who take hopeless attitudes." Norman Vincent Peale

"God, thank you for this day. Help me to make the best use of my attitude so I can show others how to smile in the face of adversity, love people who hate, and carry joy in their hearts. Amen."

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