October 21, 2007

Let 'em ride!

My wife and I took a motorcycle ride yesterday to a sleepy little town about an hour away that has some very interesting shopping. It’s been a while since I’ve ridden a long distance, so the wear on my derriere was substantial, but worth it.

I love riding. There is a freedom in tooling down the road in the open air that a lot of people won’t ever experience. For some of the men I know it apparently has something to do with their wives. They tell me “my wife won’t let me buy a motorcycle”. This always produces a crinkling affect on my forehead that I’m sure will ultimately result in lines the size of the Grand Canyon across my head when I’m older.

I count myself lucky because my wife doesn’t fear motorcycles. I don’t know how that discussion would have gone down if she did, but I’m certain she would have never tried to “tell” me I couldn’t have a bike. Men are wired differently than women, and we like doing a lot of things that women don’t like doing. We’re dare devils by nature. We can’t help it, we like living outside the lines. Luckily for us we have women to reign us in and keep us alive. Women are nurturing like that, and men appreciate it.

Personally, I’m not afraid of death. I don’t look for ways to die, but I’m not worried about it because the life waiting for me after this world is going to be way better. I think some wives should take that to heart. Not necessarily for themselves, but for their husbands too. They need to realize that when God decides it’s time for you or your husband to check out it’ll happen whether you have a motorcycle or not, so why take that small joy away from him?

Wives, let your guys enjoy this life. Let them have a motorcycle if they want one, and get on the back one time for a ride in the country. I guarantee you’ll see things differently.

“God, my life belongs to you and I can only hope I use it in a way that honors you. Thanks for simple things, like experiencing nature on a motorcycle. I really enjoy your world. Good job!”

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