August 30, 2007

Politics as Unusual

I saw a video today on a news site that showed a foreign country’s Legislature brawling over politics.

This amazes me that the people making the laws of that country settle their debates by duking it out. And they call the U.S. a violent country.

Hmmm, you know, maybe they’re on to something? This might make passing a Bill easier and faster. Line up the Democrats and Republicans on the Senate floor and let them go at it until there’s only one person standing. Bill passed.

Can you imagine what our Senators would look like? We’d be voting for Stone Cold Steve Austin instead of Edward Kennedy. And we wouldn’t have to worry about term limits either because you’d be lucky to live through your first year in office.

Our law makers would all be young, in-shape body builders and they’d clean house, I mean “The House”. HA.

I’ve got an even better idea, when someone throws their hat in the ring to be President, make them step into the ring with their opponent!


Can you imagine seeing Rudy Giuliani square off with Hillary Clinton? HA! My money would be on Clinton, I think she’d fight dirty. She’d start by emasculating him verbally, and then finish him off with sucker punch, proving once and for all she’s the best man.

It’s a thought anyway, but voting is less hazardous to your health.

“God, bless our government officials. In these very difficult times of war and social corruption, we need leaders with a clear vision of the future and firm grasp on their spirituality. Give them wisdom, and a good left jab. Amen”

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