August 16, 2007

The Dam has Busted!

Tropical Storm Erin came ashore today. It’s pretty rare that weather along the coast of Texas affects us here, but this storm blasted on to land and beat the heck out of Houston and dumped a bunch of rain on here too. If you haven’t read it, look at the July articles at “Splash Town”. You’ll see why rain is a bad thing here.

The crazies were out in force today. They always come out when the weather gets bad. It never fails, the second it starts to storm in this city every inbred, knuckle-dragger in the tri state area decides it’s time to drive… usually right in front of me.

I get caught behind them all: weavers, lane squeezers, blinker avoiders, blue haired 10 mile-a-hourers, double-lane Hummer hoggers and clueless mapquest lurkers. They all find me and then spend the next hour and forty five minutes keeping me from my normal 15 minute drive home.

It wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t raining curtains. I can’t even enjoy the view. Well, it’s not really a “view”. It’s more like a rodeo. There’s a lot of construction on the freeway on my way to and from work, so it’s always entertaining watching the I-10 Barrel Race. Rain or course, turns it into the I-10 Barrel Crawl.

It’s one of the few negatives I’ve found in city dwelling, and luckily, it doesn’t rain in here but twice a year.

“God, thanks for the life giving rain, and the traffic. They both teach me the importance of patience. Amen”

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