August 14, 2007

Big Bang My Foot!

Evolution. It’s been debated and argued for thousands of years. It’s a tricky subject because there are arguments for both sides. I don’t doubt that science has a place in developing theories of how we got here. The Bible tells us Who and Why. Science tells us When and How. They should work together.

It's difficult enough to get past the fact that they believe that some kind of explosion they can't explain happened that created the planets and then suddenly life began. They skipped explaining those parts in science class. Apparently we're just supposed to believe these things happened. Hmm... sort of like having faith, huh?

Anyway, here’s what I think about evolution. Are you stupid?? What respectable scientist would believe such a crazy story? We started as some kind of microbial creature and grew into the world dominating mammals we are now? LOL.

Ok, facts. Let’s deal with some tangibles here. Gillians of years ago we’re some kind of microbe, right? Toddling around in the ocean. Suddenly, “mother nature” decides that there is something to look at. So POOF, an eyeball appears.

Think about your eyes for a second. A Cornea, an Iris, Crystalline lens, a Retina, Optic nerves, a Fovea. Wow, that mother nature sure did put a lot of thought into it, didn’t she? How did this happen, seriously? Science believes the eye just popped into existence?

So now we can see stuff. We’re tired of eating ocean sludge so POOF we suddenly have a mouth that grows teeth. Now we can eat each other. Much better than sludge. But we need to be faster to avoid being eaten, so POOF we grow fins for speed.

After a while we get tired of swimming, so POOF, now we have arms and legs and we leave the ocean. Never mind explaining how mother nature knew the difference between ocean breathing and land breathing. Some how she just knew to close the gills and POOF into existence a set of lungs. Speilberg couldn't write stuff this good.

There seems to be a lot of cool stuff on land, but it has no taste. So mother nature again intervenes and assigns a taste to everything and POOF, we suddenly have taste buds so we can now enjoy our meals.

Give me a break! Scientists really believe this stuff? How would evolution know that anything had taste to know that animals needed something to taste it with? How can anyone believe that taste buds, as intricate and complicated as they are, developed out of nothing?

I’m sorry, but there is no way I can believe that human beings came into being by accident. We’re too complicated. If there's one thing I've learned about nature it's that it's simple. It takes the path of least resistance, it wouldn’t have gone out of its way to create something as complicated as an eye if we were doing fine without it. Nature wouldn’t have created the process of smell, or taste either. We don’t need to taste our food to know we need to eat. It’s superfluous. God gave us these things because He wanted us to enjoy the Earth.

Believe the Big Bang Theory all you want. Personally I don’t know how God went about making the Earth, but I do know that divine intervention created it all. There’s too much proof not to believe it.

“God, life is a mystery to me. I can accept that. I know you’re in control of it though, and that’s what keeps me smiling every day.”

1 comment:

Kyle Burkholder said...

I love zoning out and tuning in to the world of Bret. I wonder if God didn't use "evolution" - create the Big Bang himself and allow us to wonder about the timing and the millions of eternities and all that it took to exist...only to ask us to have faith that HE did it all anyway so it doesn't really matter.

Phillip E Johnson wrote a great book called Darwin on Trial - he is considered the father if Intelligent Design...

Keep it up.