August 21, 2007

What's Next?

I gave my life to Christ four years ago. In that time my views on life and death have changed in ways I never thought possible. I no longer fear either. I know what I’m doing in this life and the next. It’s awesome.

Imagine walking through each day not worrying about “what’s next”, either in your life, or after you’ve left this world. That’s the coolest thing about letting God lead. I know He isn’t going to steer me wrong. Don’t get me wrong, He usually doesn’t ask me to do something I “want” to do. He takes you out of your comfort zone and challenges you to expand your mind and your talents. Each time I walk down His path I’ve been nervous because it’s usually something I don’t think I’m capable of doing. But what I’ve found is that not only am I capable of doing it, I’m actually pretty good at it because He knew I would be.

As I continue to shed the trappings of this world and let God teach me, I become happier.

The enemy’s best trick is to get people mired in all this world has to offer. It usually lands you deep in debt, or in a dead end job, or a bad marriage. Unhappy. That’s what the enemy wants. Keeping you worried about what’s next.

It doesn’t have to be that way. God loved you before the world was ever created and He wants you to be happy. You just have to accept that your happiness has nothing to do with anything this world can give you. It isn’t fancy cars, or big homes. It’s not fame, and it’s not fortune.

The happiest I’ve ever been is right now, telling you about the love and salvation of Jesus Christ. Everything else is smoke and mirrors. It’ll all be gone someday, and I already know where I’ll be. Do you?

“Jesus, thank you for your gift of salvation. Thank you for showing me where true happiness can be found, and for leading me to it. Amen”.

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