November 24, 2008

The Final Frontier

I watched a documentary the other night on UFOs. It showed a lot of homemade video clips of strange lights zipping around in the sky. One clip showed a group of eight lights that made an outline of what looked to be a very large space craft slowly flying over a town. Of course you can’t see the ship itself because it’s dark outside. All you can see are the lights.

I sat there watching the videos and thought “how smart can these aliens be if they forgot to turn off their headlights?” Seriously, they’re able to hide all day long and then come out at night so no one will see them, but left their parking lights on?!

I can’t say for sure that there are no aliens, because I honestly don’t know. I think the chances of us being the only “intelligent” beings in this vast universe are pretty slim though.

I’m sure we’ll have the answer some day. Hopefully it won’t be when we’re looking down the business end of an Illudiom Pew36 Explosive Space Modulator.


archie said...

I'm confident we are not the only intelligent life in the universe. How else can you explain the moving red and green lights in the sky night when its not Christmas. Everyone knows Santa only has his sleigh outfitted one night a year.

Flattened animals on the road are additional proof of sinester distant forces. Obviously, something terrestial flattens innocent animals when we are not looking.

I could go on, but I need to check on my crop circles.

Mimi said...

It would seem that it is more likely that we are NOT the only life in the vast galaxies that we are only beginning to discover. Who knows though??