November 18, 2008

Keep the Change

Our new President will be in office in a couple of months. He’s touted himself as a President of “Change.” So I’m anxious to see what happens, as well as a little scared.

I came from poverty. Really. We’re talking walking around in ditches picking up cans to cash in for food, kind of poverty. But I worked hard and dug my way out of that life. But now Obama is saying that other people shouldn’t have to do the same thing. That he’s just going to take it from me instead, and “spread the wealth.”

My biggest concern in all this is that I won’t be able to give to the charities of my choice. I won’t be able to afford it anymore.

What will happen when Obama taxes the rich into middle class?

People’s ability to give to charities will go way down, and perhaps the poor will see a few dollars of these new taxes, but I don’t have much faith in the government’s ability to manage the process. I’d rather manage the process myself and give directly to the faith-based charities that I know are helping people.

So I disagree with this concept of spreading the wealth. I’m already doing that.

Sorry Mr. Obama. Keep the Change.

"God, thank you for blessing my life and giving me the ability to help so many others. All I have is yours, no matter how much, or how little. Amen."


Anonymous said...

I like the name Oh'Bama. Growing up we got the free Bama jam glasses. I'm counting on him bringing free jam glasses back for me to keep your change in. Ha!

Mimi said...

I think Obama will do well. Remember he too was poor, raised by Grandparents who took him in after his dad dumped his mom. I am inspired by his varied experiences in so many different places.