November 6, 2008

And away we go…

I’m really happy the election is finally over. I think we should pass a law limiting campaigns to 6 months, because 2 years of campaigning really wore out the entire country!

I’m excited about the historical marker set by this election, and although I didn’t vote for Barack, I think it’s great that we have our first African America President.

I’ve listened to a lot of radio talk show hosts complain about the GOP loss, and say that this is a “war” and they have only lost this battle. I was disappointed to hear talk like that, because in the end we’re all in this together and should work towards a common goal of being one nation.

Whether I like Barack’s politics or not, the fact is he is the next President of the United States of America, and I’m an American. So I will support my new President to the best of my ability without compromising my values, morals, or beliefs. I hope the rest of the country will join me in this view so we can make this country better.

Congratulations President Obama. Now do something to live up to your new title and bring this country together, fix the economy, and keep your hands out of my pocket!

“God, bless our new President and his family. Please give strength and wisdom to the incoming administration and help guide them as they make the decisions that will affect everyone in this country. Amen.”


Mike Sharrow said...

well said!

EPIC Life Group said...

Can you imagine what it would feel like to have hundreds of thousands of people pray for you? I bet Barack does...