November 20, 2008

Get out of God’s way

Christians are a very helpful lot. We go out of our way to help those who need it, in ways that a lot of times include money, a place to live, a car, counseling, etc.

I recently saw a friend in need, and witnessed others try to help him through his troubles, and it occurred to me that perhaps without knowing it we were letting our Christian helpfulness get in the way of what God was trying to do in that persons life.

What if God needed for that person to be in the situation they were in? What if He was working on that person to break them, or show them a path he needed them to travel? And by intervening we were actually giving that person an easy way out, when all along God didn’t want them to have an easy way out.

Tough question, isn’t it?

I guess my only answer is that God puts people in our lives for a reason, and if I have the ability to help that person I can only hope that it’s because God wanted me to do so.

All we can do is pray for guidance. In the end, God’s plan will happen whether we get in the way or not.

Just my random thoughts. What are yours?


EPIC Life Group said...

The story of the good Samaritan comes to mind. Did the good Samaritan beat himself senseless and throw himself on the side of the road? If so, the two guys that passed him by probably did the right thing. Ouch! :]

Mimi said...

Well since you asked, I think I would not worry too much about what God is intending to do. My job as I see it as a Christian is to serve and love my fellow humans to the best of my ability with all my warts and shortcomings, all the while trying to stay humble.