September 21, 2008

And the Emmy goes too…

I’m sitting here watching the Emmys and I’m wondering if they really think no one knows they're purposely trying to promote their political agenda in between (and sometimes during) each award.

It blows me away how these liberal Hollywood types so blatantly act so partisan and have the nerve to say they’re not? To watch Martin Sheen say his old show “The West Wing” was nonpartisan just made me laugh out loud. Seriously, do they really think everyone in this country is that stupid?

Anyway, everything on the show seems to be wrapped around promoting the left’s agenda, and it’s really sickening. I know I can change the channel, but it bothers me that I tuned in to see who won an Emmy and instead I’ve been assaulted by a bunch of haters spouting their liberal rhetoric and disguising it as "humor."

All I can say is get out there and vote, and I’ll really be glad when this election is over.

1 comment:

Kyle Burkholder said...

interesting political discussion (about the church's role in politics) from christianity today...

i think you'll find it interesting: