October 7, 2008

I approve this message

I read something interesting today that I thought was worthy of posting. Mike Myers (Austin Powers) was asked during an event what he thought about the current economic crisis. His response was:

“I have made some comedies and that’s how you know me, so … I don’t know what the etiquette is about one’s political beliefs. I am very concerned for people that the economy turn around. … The strength of democracy is not how well we agree but how well we disagree. The strength of a society is how well we take care of our most disenfranchised.”

At last, a famous person who understands their relevancy in this world.

He didn’t pick a target and try to pin the current economic crisis on them, and he didn’t take a political side. He simply pointed out that he made comedies so his political beliefs are of no consequence, but that he is a concerned citizen. And what we need to do is work together to help those who aren’t able to help themselves.

It’s a shame the rest of Hollywood doesn’t share Mike’s humbleness. For that matter, a great many of us would benefit from this mindset also. Me included.

I don’t know if Mike is saved, only God knows his heart. But he seems to have a heart akin to how Christ wants us all to be. In Jesus’ day the world was in a lot of turmoil. Israel and many other countries were being occupied by Rome, and the political scene was one of such sensitivity that being on the wrong side could get you killed.

Jesus didn’t bother with any of that. He stayed on task. Focused on what really mattered. He preached love, and salvation. He said help each other, especially those who have little. Give generously, and don’t believe everything you hear.

Don’t get me wrong, when it came time for Jesus to answer the tough questions, he didn’t back down. Not from the religious leaders or the Roman leaders. When he was told to go against his teachings or die, he valiantly stepped towards the cross.

This is our lesson from Mr. Myers. Stop spouting your political rhetoric and help people. Work together and find an answer because people are suffering.

Thanks Mike, not just for the laughs, but for a simple statement that puts things in perspective this political season.

Yeah Baby!


Kyle Burkholder said...

i like it.

as believers, we have to keep our focus. we are sent here to love him with all that we have and to love our neighbor as ourself. the least of these... his will be done, regardless of any of our preferences.

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Bret L said...

You're allowed to post any comment you would like. I have the moderator mode turned on so spammers can't post their obnoxious links to any of my articles. :)