September 3, 2008

Master of Subterfuge

It was a classic moment in history. For weeks the liberal media pandered to Obama who was manipulating them with his game of “guess my Vice President.” The media was so focused on Obama that they weren’t paying any attention to McCain, until he announced his VP choice.

You could here the collective gasp of the Democrats as McCain and the Republicans made one of the all time best political moves in history. You could almost hear Hillary screaming in rage, knowing that she will no longer be able to run her campaign on being a pioneer trying to break the gender barrier. If elected, Sarah Palin will go down in history as being the first woman in the Whitehouse.

It was a bold move, both good and bad, but it’s changed history forever because no matter who wins, there will be a first in this country. We’ll either have the first African American President, or the first woman Vice President. I think that’s awesome!

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