February 19, 2009

God's Stimulus Package

There’s been a lot of discussion about the recession and how we got to this place in American history. Fingers point in many directions from Fannie and Freddie, to the banking system, to individual and institutional greed.

It’s really about focus. We’re inundated every day with messages saying we need more stuff. Bigger, better, faster, and newer is what we need. You have to be cool and wear the latest fashions, carry the coolest cell phone, and live in a bigger home.

We’ve lost focus of letting God provide. I know it’s hard. Trying to maintain this focus in our society of excess is difficult, but we give in to it all too often. The old saying “whoever has the most toys… wins” is typical of why our economy is so jacked up, and indicative of how the enemy blinds us to the truth.

We’re in a recession because of greed. Excess. A need to be validated by owning the latest and greatest stuff. People buy a house bigger than they need, then they fill it with so much stuff that they have to park in the driveway because their two car garage has to be used as a storage shed. Then they default on the loan because they couldn’t afford any of it in the first place.

We need to regain our focus on what really matters and stop letting the enemy blur our vision.

So don’t be fooled. Let God provide and use His money for the things that matter.

Live a life of interest, not excess.

“God, you know what I really need in my life, and I trust you to provide. Please give me the wisdom to use your blessings wisely. Amen.”

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