January 10, 2009

Let the Son-shine In!

It’s impressive how people change once they let Christ into their lives. I’ve always been a pretty friendly guy, but something happened while in Houston yesterday on business that really had an impact on me.

I entered an elevator with one other very solemn looking person on it. He was only going up a couple of floors, and I was going higher, so our conversation was brief. It went like this:

Me: Good morning sir, how are you today?

Him: I’m ok, how are you?

Me: I’m doing very well, thank you. Happy Friday!

Him: (laughing) Thank you, I'm sure glad this week is over.

Me: (smiling) Yeah, it’s pretty hard to screw up a Friday.

Him: (smiling) That’s true!

Elevator doors open, he starts to step out.

Me: Have a great weekend sir!

Him: You too. (he suddenly looks back) I wish everyone could be as nice as you are. Thanks for making this a better world.

(doors close)

I pondered that for a minute. I guess I don’t really critique my own behavior that often, so I didn’t realize my interactions with other people had any affect on them.

I realized that it wasn’t really me, but Christ shining through me that enabled my spirit to be happy and my contact with others to be pleasant.

It’s joy. The joy of having Christ in my life. I don’t view people the same way I did BC. I love people now. All people. Well, most people, I’m not Christ. But I really have genuine affection for everyone around me, something that could not be possible without the Holy Spirit dwelling in me.

Make a difference in someone’s life today. Let the Son shine through you and rub off on someone else.

“Jesus, I continue to be amazed by how you change me. Thank you for giving me a new way of looking at the everything, and help me to always do my best to make this a better world. Amen."

1 comment:

archie said...

Here in South Texas, we call that a "God Spot". It's a lot like when Bessie gives an extra gallon of milk or ol' clucky lays a couple extra eggs. It doesn't cost a dime, but sure makes a difference in the omelet.

Yes. I'm a bit off tonight. Just trying to create a smile. I am the funniest guy I know.

The "story" is a great start for the new year. God bless you two.