Ever hear someone say they give 150% in everything they do? They say that hard work, intelligence and attitude will get them everything they want.
So what does it really mean to give 150%? Here’s a little math to help figure it out:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
But there’s only one thing that will get you there:
10+5+19+21+19+3+8+18+9+19+20 = 151%
Jesus gave it all, in everything he did.
How much are you giving today?
“Jesus, thank you for showing us what it really takes to give it all. It is my only wish to strive to reflect your effort and sacrifice. Thanks for loving me 150% of the time. Amen.
December 30, 2008
December 24, 2008
Iraqi Freedom
I’ve always been amazed how so many people generally believe the media about how we’re “losing” the war in Iraq. That nothing we’ve done has been helpful to them, and how the Iraqis hate us.
I wish I could take those people to Iraq so they could see the truth. So they could see how people have clean, running water in their homes; some of them for the first time in their lives. So they could see how children who have never been educated are now going to classes in schools that we helped build. So they can see those same children being inoculated for the first time! I want them to see how many people love us there, and beg us to stay longer because they’re afraid of the insurgents, and what they’ll do to everyone if we leave now.
If you don't believe that we're making a difference there, check out this story I found on CNN. It’s a story about how people in Bagdad are celebrating Christmas for the very first time. It also has some interesting commentary from the Iraqi people about the terrorists. Yes, they don’t call them freedom fighters; they call them terrorists because that’s how Iraqi’s truly see the insurgents.
It’s real eye opening to see how these people have freedoms they never had before. Freedoms that the United States of America, and George Bush gave them.
So whether you believe it or not, we’re not losing the war, and we’re really making a wonderful difference for the people of Iraq.
Here’s the link to the whole story. Read the entire article, you’ll be surprised by it.
I wish I could take those people to Iraq so they could see the truth. So they could see how people have clean, running water in their homes; some of them for the first time in their lives. So they could see how children who have never been educated are now going to classes in schools that we helped build. So they can see those same children being inoculated for the first time! I want them to see how many people love us there, and beg us to stay longer because they’re afraid of the insurgents, and what they’ll do to everyone if we leave now.
If you don't believe that we're making a difference there, check out this story I found on CNN. It’s a story about how people in Bagdad are celebrating Christmas for the very first time. It also has some interesting commentary from the Iraqi people about the terrorists. Yes, they don’t call them freedom fighters; they call them terrorists because that’s how Iraqi’s truly see the insurgents.
It’s real eye opening to see how these people have freedoms they never had before. Freedoms that the United States of America, and George Bush gave them.
So whether you believe it or not, we’re not losing the war, and we’re really making a wonderful difference for the people of Iraq.
Here’s the link to the whole story. Read the entire article, you’ll be surprised by it.
December 20, 2008
The Book of Love
I was at school one day, and during a break there were a few of us standing around talking. The University I attend requires that everyone take a few specific classes, two of them being a class on the New Testament, and another on the Old Testament.
One person was talking about his Old Testament class and how he thought he knew a lot about it until he got into the class, and then he realized there was a lot more to it. Then suddenly a woman spoke up about how the Bible was full of contradictions, and she knew where every one of those contradictions were at so she could point them out to people.
It made my heart sad to hear this person talk about the Bible with such disdain. My response is that for every contradiction she can point out, I can point out at least two truths of the Bible that outweigh her contradictions. I have found that people who brag about knowing all of the specific contradictions in the Bible only know those few versus because they have never truly studied the rest of the Bible.
The Bible is a book of love. It’s a clear road map for living a life of purpose that adds value to the world around us. It’s a testament to the simple saving grace of Jesus Christ, and how we can receive salvation.
Yes, there are some very controversial things in the Bible that don’t seem to make sense. But those things are only confusing if you don’t look at the rest of the Bible. Read it all, and you’ll find that it’s a book about loving one another. It’s about helping those who are less fortunate than we are. It’s a book about giving of yourself, and becoming a better person.
The Bible is the best self-help book ever written. That's why it's been the #1 best selling book in the world since it was published. 6 billion copies sold, and counting.
"God, sometimes I feel like I don't have the right words to tell people about you. Please help me to speak your truths in a manner that will be impactful on others, but not turn them off. Amen."
One person was talking about his Old Testament class and how he thought he knew a lot about it until he got into the class, and then he realized there was a lot more to it. Then suddenly a woman spoke up about how the Bible was full of contradictions, and she knew where every one of those contradictions were at so she could point them out to people.
It made my heart sad to hear this person talk about the Bible with such disdain. My response is that for every contradiction she can point out, I can point out at least two truths of the Bible that outweigh her contradictions. I have found that people who brag about knowing all of the specific contradictions in the Bible only know those few versus because they have never truly studied the rest of the Bible.
The Bible is a book of love. It’s a clear road map for living a life of purpose that adds value to the world around us. It’s a testament to the simple saving grace of Jesus Christ, and how we can receive salvation.
Yes, there are some very controversial things in the Bible that don’t seem to make sense. But those things are only confusing if you don’t look at the rest of the Bible. Read it all, and you’ll find that it’s a book about loving one another. It’s about helping those who are less fortunate than we are. It’s a book about giving of yourself, and becoming a better person.
The Bible is the best self-help book ever written. That's why it's been the #1 best selling book in the world since it was published. 6 billion copies sold, and counting.
"God, sometimes I feel like I don't have the right words to tell people about you. Please help me to speak your truths in a manner that will be impactful on others, but not turn them off. Amen."
Reconciling Truth
I’ve been challenged lately to look at what being a Christian is. I’ve written several times about subjects that play down certain ideals, but I don’t want anyone to think that I’m not progressive, or that I don’t think outside the typical evangelical box. So I think I’ll try to explain my feelings on religion.
The Bible is the Word of God. If I don’t believe it, in its entirety, then I don’t think I could ever claim it’s truths as being relative.
I’m a New Testament Christian. I believe Christ was here to be a sacrifice so that we can be forgiven for our sins, and that we have a New Covenant which changes a lot of things as related by the Old Testament. Not the teachings of God, but the fallacies of man.
I believe that I’m here to tell people about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, no matter who they are. I love them regardless of their ideals, and I will always try to be a light that shines in His name for others to see.
I don’t believe that I should set aside the truths of the Bible for any reason. So I cannot vote for leaders who have values contrary to Biblical teachings. I can, and will, pray for them if they win; and if given the opportunity I will discuss with them how Christ can change their lives.
I cannot reconcile liberalism and Biblical beliefs. Christ is not a liberal. He is God incarnate, and God’s Word is specific and undeniable. Christ spent His life teaching. He worked specifically with the dregs of society: murderers, thieves, prostitutes, etc. Not because He was a liberal, but because they needed Him the most. But he never strayed from the Biblical teachings of God’s Word.
There’s a fine line between displaying a kind heart, and standing up for what you know is right. I have a kind heart because Christ lives in me. But like Christ, I will not stand down from what is right, and true, and God led. And if that causes controversy, then I’m in good company, because Christ was killed for that very reason.
“God, please give me the strength to stand up for the truths of your Word, and the wisdom to know what those truths truly are. Amen.”
The Bible is the Word of God. If I don’t believe it, in its entirety, then I don’t think I could ever claim it’s truths as being relative.
I’m a New Testament Christian. I believe Christ was here to be a sacrifice so that we can be forgiven for our sins, and that we have a New Covenant which changes a lot of things as related by the Old Testament. Not the teachings of God, but the fallacies of man.
I believe that I’m here to tell people about the saving grace of Jesus Christ, no matter who they are. I love them regardless of their ideals, and I will always try to be a light that shines in His name for others to see.
I don’t believe that I should set aside the truths of the Bible for any reason. So I cannot vote for leaders who have values contrary to Biblical teachings. I can, and will, pray for them if they win; and if given the opportunity I will discuss with them how Christ can change their lives.
I cannot reconcile liberalism and Biblical beliefs. Christ is not a liberal. He is God incarnate, and God’s Word is specific and undeniable. Christ spent His life teaching. He worked specifically with the dregs of society: murderers, thieves, prostitutes, etc. Not because He was a liberal, but because they needed Him the most. But he never strayed from the Biblical teachings of God’s Word.
There’s a fine line between displaying a kind heart, and standing up for what you know is right. I have a kind heart because Christ lives in me. But like Christ, I will not stand down from what is right, and true, and God led. And if that causes controversy, then I’m in good company, because Christ was killed for that very reason.
“God, please give me the strength to stand up for the truths of your Word, and the wisdom to know what those truths truly are. Amen.”
December 17, 2008
This just in...
CNN reported today that Obama chose Rick Warren to deliver his inaugural invocation.
This was a pretty gutsy move on his part, and I have to give him credit for either making a shrewd political move, or showing that he really wants to reach across political and religious lines to include everyone.
It’s made a lot of people mad within the ranks of abortion activists, homosexual rights groups, and even some in the Democratic party.
I read that Kathryn Kolbert, President of the group “People for the American Way” said she was “deeply disappointed,” and that Obama should have given the powerful platform to someone who is “inconsistent with mainstream American values.”
I hate to tell you this Kathryn, but did you see the local ballots this past election? I think Americans made it quite clear what their “mainstream” values are, and they aren’t what you’re trying to sell.
She also said Warren had a moderate tone, but his ideas are radical. Again, where exactly are you getting your information? It’s obvious that you haven’t spent much time outside your little bubble, because the Americans who don’t get put on the news every night, which is the majority of America, have pretty conservative ideas. So it’s you who is radical.
It amazes me that liberal groups focus on a few topics to try and discredit conservatives, but Rick Warren is more than just someone who apposes the destruction of traditional marriage and the killing of unborn children. Rick Warren has been a champion of such “insignificant” things as reducing global poverty, human rights abuses, and the AIDS epidemic.
Obama may disagree with Warren on certain things, but he agrees with him on several issues, such as advocating on behalf of the poor and the disadvantaged, and people who suffer from HIV/AIDS.
So I have to say to you liberals who are writhing in your seats because of Obama’s decision to have Rick Warren deliver his inaugural invocation… grow up. Stop hating everyone who disagrees with your liberal views and lets find a common ground to work together to help those who really need help.
This was a pretty gutsy move on his part, and I have to give him credit for either making a shrewd political move, or showing that he really wants to reach across political and religious lines to include everyone.
It’s made a lot of people mad within the ranks of abortion activists, homosexual rights groups, and even some in the Democratic party.
I read that Kathryn Kolbert, President of the group “People for the American Way” said she was “deeply disappointed,” and that Obama should have given the powerful platform to someone who is “inconsistent with mainstream American values.”
I hate to tell you this Kathryn, but did you see the local ballots this past election? I think Americans made it quite clear what their “mainstream” values are, and they aren’t what you’re trying to sell.
She also said Warren had a moderate tone, but his ideas are radical. Again, where exactly are you getting your information? It’s obvious that you haven’t spent much time outside your little bubble, because the Americans who don’t get put on the news every night, which is the majority of America, have pretty conservative ideas. So it’s you who is radical.
It amazes me that liberal groups focus on a few topics to try and discredit conservatives, but Rick Warren is more than just someone who apposes the destruction of traditional marriage and the killing of unborn children. Rick Warren has been a champion of such “insignificant” things as reducing global poverty, human rights abuses, and the AIDS epidemic.
Obama may disagree with Warren on certain things, but he agrees with him on several issues, such as advocating on behalf of the poor and the disadvantaged, and people who suffer from HIV/AIDS.
So I have to say to you liberals who are writhing in your seats because of Obama’s decision to have Rick Warren deliver his inaugural invocation… grow up. Stop hating everyone who disagrees with your liberal views and lets find a common ground to work together to help those who really need help.
December 12, 2008
What would Jesus buy?
Christmas shopping is tough sometimes. I want to buy people stuff they will appreciate and use, which is why I love gift cards, but they’re kind of impersonal.
I wonder what Jesus would buy if we were on his Christmas list? A Bible verse bookmark? Maybe a cross tie tack? Or perhaps a new study Bible?
I think His gifts would be more personal, since he knows what’s in our hearts. But then again, maybe that’s not such a good thing?
Imagine if we received Christmas presents based on our inner thoughts, on who we are on the inside… the person that no one sees. What would you get?
It’s true that the real person we are is how we act when no one is looking. We think no one knows, but in fact the one person who matters most of all sees us every moment of every day. He hears our thoughts, sees our actions and knows what’s in our hearts.
If you’re struggling inside, don’t beat yourself up about it. We’re all human and are very imperfect. The thing to do is stay focused on Christ. I guarantee that looking to Him for guidance will give you a different perspective on things, and the junk that weighs you down will start to disappear and be replaced by Christ.
“Jesus, thanks for your patience, and for giving me the best Christmas present ever… your unending love. Amen.”
I wonder what Jesus would buy if we were on his Christmas list? A Bible verse bookmark? Maybe a cross tie tack? Or perhaps a new study Bible?
I think His gifts would be more personal, since he knows what’s in our hearts. But then again, maybe that’s not such a good thing?
Imagine if we received Christmas presents based on our inner thoughts, on who we are on the inside… the person that no one sees. What would you get?
It’s true that the real person we are is how we act when no one is looking. We think no one knows, but in fact the one person who matters most of all sees us every moment of every day. He hears our thoughts, sees our actions and knows what’s in our hearts.
If you’re struggling inside, don’t beat yourself up about it. We’re all human and are very imperfect. The thing to do is stay focused on Christ. I guarantee that looking to Him for guidance will give you a different perspective on things, and the junk that weighs you down will start to disappear and be replaced by Christ.
“Jesus, thanks for your patience, and for giving me the best Christmas present ever… your unending love. Amen.”
Deleting Christ
As Christ’s birthday draws near I’m always reminded of the struggle between good and evil. The Bible teaches us that Satan has a specific agenda: “…to steal and kill and destroy.” John 10:10.
In the enemy’s efforts to blind people to the truth he employs very subtle means. One of them is to delete Christ from the events that are meant to celebrate Him.
Think about it, just look at the major holidays we have in America: Easter, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas. Now look at which of those holidays have been slowly changed over the years. We have celebrated the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Halloween the same way since they were created. The only ones that have changed are the ones in which we celebrate the Christian faith.
In his efforts to delete Christ, Satan has introduced ways for refocus people’s attention from the true meaning of these holidays to something else… our kids.
Satan knows that most parents will do just about anything to make their kids happy, so he started with Easter and introduced the Easter Bunny. A friendly, cute little creature that brings kids candy. Parents fill a basket with sweets and hide eggs in the yard each year and watch the “fun” their kids have, all the while neglecting to teach their kids about the true significance of Easter, the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
Christmas is an even bigger threat to Satan, so he has concentrated hard on removing Christ from this holiday. He began once again by refocusing the holiday on to our children by creating Santa Claus. A jolly fat dude who brings toys to all of the good girls and boys. It’s a nice touch and on the outside it looks like a good way to give our children incentive to be good. But in the end kids will get toys whether they have been good or bad, right?
The next thing was to remove Christ by changing the name of the holiday, so he introduced a new word: Xmas. It seems pretty blatant to simply delete the word Christ and replace it with an “X”, but you’d be surprised how many Christians do this. It's amazing how many Christmas cards and letters I receive from faith-filled people who title their prose as “Xmas letter” or sign it “Merry Xmas.” Where did Christ go?!?!
There is also the argument raised in our society that Christmas should be more generic for people who don’t follow Christ. My answer to that is why don’t you go pick on someone else’s religious holiday? Seriously, no other religion’s holy events have been more battered than Christmas. I don’t see anyone trying to change Kwanzaa, or Ramadan? That’s because Christ is the true salvation of the world, and the devil knows it, so he’s bent on destroying it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to remove Santa or the Easter Bunny from your family’s celebrations. I’m just saying to keep your main focus on Christ, not your kids during these holy holidays. Give them gifts, that’s fine. I do it too, but I also ensure that my focus remains on Christ, not some imaginary red suited do-gooder who brings gifts. Teach your children the real reason for the season.
Christ is born, and reigns forever and ever.
“God, thank you for sending your son to be our savior. And happy birthday, Jesus!”
In the enemy’s efforts to blind people to the truth he employs very subtle means. One of them is to delete Christ from the events that are meant to celebrate Him.
Think about it, just look at the major holidays we have in America: Easter, the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas. Now look at which of those holidays have been slowly changed over the years. We have celebrated the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and Halloween the same way since they were created. The only ones that have changed are the ones in which we celebrate the Christian faith.
In his efforts to delete Christ, Satan has introduced ways for refocus people’s attention from the true meaning of these holidays to something else… our kids.
Satan knows that most parents will do just about anything to make their kids happy, so he started with Easter and introduced the Easter Bunny. A friendly, cute little creature that brings kids candy. Parents fill a basket with sweets and hide eggs in the yard each year and watch the “fun” their kids have, all the while neglecting to teach their kids about the true significance of Easter, the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior.
Christmas is an even bigger threat to Satan, so he has concentrated hard on removing Christ from this holiday. He began once again by refocusing the holiday on to our children by creating Santa Claus. A jolly fat dude who brings toys to all of the good girls and boys. It’s a nice touch and on the outside it looks like a good way to give our children incentive to be good. But in the end kids will get toys whether they have been good or bad, right?
The next thing was to remove Christ by changing the name of the holiday, so he introduced a new word: Xmas. It seems pretty blatant to simply delete the word Christ and replace it with an “X”, but you’d be surprised how many Christians do this. It's amazing how many Christmas cards and letters I receive from faith-filled people who title their prose as “Xmas letter” or sign it “Merry Xmas.” Where did Christ go?!?!
There is also the argument raised in our society that Christmas should be more generic for people who don’t follow Christ. My answer to that is why don’t you go pick on someone else’s religious holiday? Seriously, no other religion’s holy events have been more battered than Christmas. I don’t see anyone trying to change Kwanzaa, or Ramadan? That’s because Christ is the true salvation of the world, and the devil knows it, so he’s bent on destroying it.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying to remove Santa or the Easter Bunny from your family’s celebrations. I’m just saying to keep your main focus on Christ, not your kids during these holy holidays. Give them gifts, that’s fine. I do it too, but I also ensure that my focus remains on Christ, not some imaginary red suited do-gooder who brings gifts. Teach your children the real reason for the season.
Christ is born, and reigns forever and ever.
“God, thank you for sending your son to be our savior. And happy birthday, Jesus!”
December 4, 2008
Student becomes teacher
I've been snapping pictures for years. It's a fun hobby, and now my daughter has found the joy of photography. She’s just starting to learn, but is already showing a flare for composition and framing. She showed some of her work to me tonight and I was really impressed (as all dad’s are), with her ability to snap an interesting subject, and make critical decisions in lighting and whether or not a picture should be black and white or color.
Here are a couple of samples. Click on them for the full sized version.

Here are a couple of samples. Click on them for the full sized version.

The Wall
Being a Christian can be a difficult journey sometimes. I’m sure you’ve felt, like I have, that we get to a place where we don’t feel like a productive servant of God. We feel like we’re spinning our wheels, and no matter how hard we try, we can’t seem to get past this place in our lives.
For athletes it’s called “hitting the wall.” It happens when they get to a place where they don’t feel they can physically go on. My wife has experienced this during the many marathons she’s participated in. She’s told me that everything will be fine, and then suddenly at mile 20 she feels completely drained and wants to stop.
She knows that she has the capability of running the full 26.2 miles of the marathon; she just has to take in water or Gatorade to give her body a boost.
Our faith can be like this. We want to pour more of God into us in order to keep going, but sometimes we find that no matter how much we take in His Word, we’re not getting full.
Solomon noted in Ecclesiastes that although the rivers of the world continually flow into the ocean, it never fills up. This is just like our faith. We will never be able to take in all of the love that God has to offer. He continuously pours it out, and we’re free to accept it, and let it power us past our wall.
When you hit your spiritual wall, accept that you’re human and you have limits, but also realize that you can make it through the difficult times with Christ’s help. With his strength, there is no wall we can’t conquer.
“Jesus, thank you for your love, your guidance, your patience, and your sacrifice. It is a lesson to all of us that we can endure and triumph anything. Amen.”
For athletes it’s called “hitting the wall.” It happens when they get to a place where they don’t feel they can physically go on. My wife has experienced this during the many marathons she’s participated in. She’s told me that everything will be fine, and then suddenly at mile 20 she feels completely drained and wants to stop.
She knows that she has the capability of running the full 26.2 miles of the marathon; she just has to take in water or Gatorade to give her body a boost.
Our faith can be like this. We want to pour more of God into us in order to keep going, but sometimes we find that no matter how much we take in His Word, we’re not getting full.
Solomon noted in Ecclesiastes that although the rivers of the world continually flow into the ocean, it never fills up. This is just like our faith. We will never be able to take in all of the love that God has to offer. He continuously pours it out, and we’re free to accept it, and let it power us past our wall.
When you hit your spiritual wall, accept that you’re human and you have limits, but also realize that you can make it through the difficult times with Christ’s help. With his strength, there is no wall we can’t conquer.
“Jesus, thank you for your love, your guidance, your patience, and your sacrifice. It is a lesson to all of us that we can endure and triumph anything. Amen.”
December 2, 2008
Thanks for the giving
My wife and I went to California for Thanksgiving. My bro-in-law just got short notice orders to Afghanistan, so we wanted to love on him before he leaves.
California is an interesting place. Like Texas, it takes forever to drive from one end to the other, and there is every kind of climate you can think of going on all year round in one place or another.
We went on a hike through some mountain range, I can’t remember the name, but it was beautiful. My sister took this picture, and I’m impressed with the colors of the landscape.
Anyway, say a prayer for my brother Dave as he prepares to enter the war zone. He’s a strong Christian man, so I don’t worry about him. Well, I worry about him, but I know God has a plan for him, so it’s all good.
Thanks Dave, for giving. For giving yourself to stand in harm’s way to protect the freedoms the rest of us enjoy back here in the states.
We love you.
“God, take care of my brother while he’s overseas. Keep him safe, and help him as I know he will continue to spread the redeeming word of Jesus no matter where he is, or who he’s staring down. Amen.”
California is an interesting place. Like Texas, it takes forever to drive from one end to the other, and there is every kind of climate you can think of going on all year round in one place or another.

Anyway, say a prayer for my brother Dave as he prepares to enter the war zone. He’s a strong Christian man, so I don’t worry about him. Well, I worry about him, but I know God has a plan for him, so it’s all good.
Thanks Dave, for giving. For giving yourself to stand in harm’s way to protect the freedoms the rest of us enjoy back here in the states.
We love you.
“God, take care of my brother while he’s overseas. Keep him safe, and help him as I know he will continue to spread the redeeming word of Jesus no matter where he is, or who he’s staring down. Amen.”
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