June 13, 2008

Why we have bad days

Have you ever noticed that during the times you are about to do something for God that your life seems to be the worst?

I have a friend who once told me that the biggest fights he ever had with his wife were on their way to church.

It’s true; the enemy attacks you the most when you have an opportunity to do God’s work. The problem is that a lot of us don’t identify that it’s an attack.

People don’t realize that the enemy has control of this earth, and can directly affect events around you. I always notice that on the days I have band rehearsal at church I seem to be in a bad mood before I go, but afterwards I feel blessed. It’s because Satan doesn’t want me to do anything that has to do with God, so he takes advantage of everything he can to manipulate my environment to keep me away from God.

It happens most when we have a chance to volunteer. We suddenly think we’re too busy, or it’s not a fun thing to do, or we’re too tired, etc. The enemy will do things in your life to create a mindset that you don’t want to do God’s work, but if you identify these attacks and tell yourself that you’re going to do it no matter what, you’ll feel blessed when you’re done.

Now I know that when ever I’m going to do God’s work I’m going to be attacked. I brace for it because I know it’s coming, and no matter what happens to keep me away from God, I just tell myself that it’s the enemy working and I go and do it, and I always feel great afterwards.

Don’t be fooled into thinking that because you’re a believer that Satan can’t get to you. He hates you, and will do anything to remove you from God’s presence. So don’t let the enemy get a victory by taking you away from God’s work. Fight the good fight, and you will always be blessed in the end.

“God, the enemy tramples all that is good and holy, but you always bless us and make it all worth the trials we face. Thanks for loving us. Amen.”


Anonymous said...

Suffering seems to be a common thread everywhere I go....

I've taken James' Word to heart:

"Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors".

Then, Brother Lawrence in the late 1600's seems to say, "Bring it on! Hurt me. It only drives me closer to God!"

Being faithful is not for wimps. But wait, it is for wimps. It's just that wimps don't quite get it. Pray for Archie and the wimps. :)

Bret L said...

James spoke great truth, and now that I know it is the enemy that causes all things bad to happen, I know it's just a trick to get me to mess up, so then I feel guilty, so then I feel unworthy, so then I give up. I won't let Satan win that way, I will endure. Thanks bro.