January 17, 2008

Jesus for President

Ok. It was just a matter of time before I spoke my piece on politics. It’s an election year so this topic is important, even though it bores the average person to tears, mainly because the average person doesn’t vote. It’s a shame because it is the single most important thing we do as a free society. We get to choose who will be the head of the country. That’s a pretty special privilege.

I tend to vote on the conservative side, as most Christians do; especially ex-military Christians. I feel sorry for the Democrats this year because they’re screwed. They’re race isn’t really about a good candidate anymore. Their race is about “a first”. Will the first women be elected to the highest office in the land, or the first African American? Personally, I’d vote for Edwards if I swung that way because I don’t think Clinton or Obama will do a good job. Obama is too young, and Clinton just scares the begeebers out of me.

They’re both using their “hook” to try
and win their party’s nomination. And the vote is going to be weird because women are going to vote for Clinton and African Americans will vote for Obama. So it’s going to depend on who the white males vote for that will swing the nomination, and it’s anyone’s guess at this point. They’re not as progressive as they let on, and I think if their only choice is to pick a woman or a black person, they will choose the black person because he’s a guy, and I don’t think they’re ready for a woman to run this country.

I’m not either to be honest. At least not that one. Not because I’m chauvinist or anything, but because I saw Clinton cry! She got stressed by the campaign and cried. Is this what we want happening every time there is a crisis in America? The election trail is nothing
compared to serving in the Oval Office. The pressure is a hundred times worse and the last thing I want to see some day is the news reporting that the President had a piece of legislation voted down in the House, so she broke down and cried like a baby. And the next day the economy was reported to be down, so she cried again. And so on...

Anyway, this country has gone through a Bush in the White House, then a
Clinton, then back to a Bush; I honestly don’t want it to go back to another Clinton. And besides, hasn’t that family shamed the office of the President enough already.


archie said...

Great thoughts. But, you missed maybe one of the most important. Is the candidate a baby killer? If so, you can't vote for 'em. Not politics. Just good sense. So, which of the candidates is PROLIFE?

LeAnne Hutchins said...

Doc...you're not going to vote for her because she CRIED??? Are you kidding me??? Any reason is better than that...geez man! Her just being her would be better than "cuz she cried". And really, do you know any woman who cries because she gets voted down? We're better fighters than most men! So, there's got to be a better reason than that! Chauvinism as it's finest!! :O)

And on the note of voting...it's not a privilege, it's our job! "That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Yep, I'm a history teacher...so, here's to voting. Even for the criers, though hopefully for those that will cry AND do good for the country!