February 11, 2014

5 Reasons the Republican Party is going to Fail (it's not what you think)

Sitting on the sidelines of politics is amusing, to me. Watching the two parties go at each other just continues to show how mean spirited Democrats and Republicans have become.  But one party is getting it right while the other flounders, and here are 5 reasons why the Republican Party is going to fail:
1. They don’t know our societies social pecking order -
Today’s culture is based on youth. Everywhere we turn we see how youth is valued more than experience. We see everything from commercials about the importance of youth, to hearing jokes about how old people are more of a burden than a treasure trove of information. Steve Jobs was 52 when the iPhone came out. His grasp of innovation was built on years of experience, not youth.

Republicans know that experience trumps vigor, but what they don’t get is that America doesn't care. Our society has been programmed to believe that old people are stupid and a burden on society, but the Right continues to prop up caricatures of this mindset as their leaders and they ignore the millions of 20/30 year old Republicans who are the savior of their Party. 

The Democrats spend a lot of time referencing youth with their party, and it’s working. Young people today think that if you’re going to be cool and socially relevant you have to be a Democrat. That’s what they hear and read on a daily basis. The Republicans don’t seem to get this and they’re losing the future voting base of America.

2. They apparently didn't pass high school history -
Republicans have a wealth of ammunition at their disposal when it comes to the history of the two parties. Most people today will tell you that Republicans are racist. Why? Because that’s what they've been told over and over, but the Republicans don’t fight back. 

It’s odd that Republicans don’t simply open a history book and show people that in fact it’s the Democratic Party that was born of racism and continues to be covertly racist through less noticeable means, such as government handouts.

Republicans are doing a terrible job of showing the country their minority base, which makes it simpler for Democrats to shed their racist past on to them. 

I wrote an article on how Democrats have changed history so people don’t know simple facts, like they started the KKK. You can read it here.

3. They don’t point out that Democrats are rich - 
Democrats have spent a lot of time railing against the “rich white Republicans” and have convinced America that they’re out of touch with our society. This is mostly done by actors and singers who people seem to bow down to and believe what they say is gospel. I don’t understand why Republicans don’t point out to everyone that the very people they think are telling them the truth are actually the real rich people in this country. 

Seriously, the richest segment of this country is Hollywood. Actors, singers, producers, directors… all of them make millions of dollars a year, but have somehow convinced the public that they’re just regular Joe’s who are standing beside them fighting against “the man.” People don’t see that they’re actually standing on a $2 million yacht. 

People like Bill Maher sit on their TV programs and say completely unrealistic things about Republicans but he does it in the form of a joke so his audience laughs and thinks it must be true because it made them feel good. Democrats push these witty people to the forefront a lot, and it’s a great tactic because it makes the Republicans look foolish, when in fact their statements have no real substance or proof.  It’s sad that a smart-ass gets more credibility than a scholar bearing facts.

But believe me folks, you will never get invited to a single party thrown by any of the people you idolize in the entertainment industry because they don’t want to get your minimum wage earning dirt in their $30 million mansion.  They really don’t give a rat’s rump about you, they just know how to manipulate the masses, it’s their job. 

4. They don’t use the media -
It’s true that whoever owns the media will own the people. TV, movies, blogs, newspapers… no one can argue that it’s mostly owned by liberals, and their stories are slanted in that direction. It’s a smart move though, grab the minds of the people and you get your way

It never fails that as I read articles I’ll hit a section that skewers the Right with a subtle zinger. But add up 10 million zingers a year and suddenly you have traction in the minds of the masses. 

Sometimes it’s subliminally placed in media. A good example is the picture I chose for this post.  Notice that success points to the “left,” while failure points to the “right.” It doesn’t seem like much but it’s subliminally putting out a message, and you’ll find this kind of stuff in a lot of articles.  

The Left says that Republicans are all rich, and if that’s true why haven’t they taken over the media? Hollywood has become as much political as it is entertaining. Why aren’t Republicans setting up their own studios with their apparent riches and hiring conservative actors they can make famous so they can convince people that conservatism is good? Instead of having people like Rush Limbaugh spouting unhelpful spooge that just incites anger, they should build an industry like the liberals in which they can influence people.  

5. They can’t count -
Elections are tough, and Republicans seem to rely on grabbing the most votes, but as we’ve seen in several elections getting the popular vote won’t get you elected because of the Electoral College. It takes winning key states which garner the most electoral votes to win an election. 

Democrats have spent years building a suitable base in key states to draw liberals to them. It’s a simple strategy, create liberal havens to attract your voter base to move where their votes can have the most impact. It’ll be interesting to see if Republicans can win a presidential election in coming years. I have a feeling they won’t get the electoral votes.

Republicans don’t seem to have a clue about any of this. They have a road-map for success laid out right in front of them by Democrats, but they seem too stupid to replicate it, and for that their party is doomed to failure.

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