December 2, 2009

Reversing Discrimination

Some firemen up in New Haven, Connecticut filed a lawsuit a while back that was finally settled today. They said they were passed over for promotion because of the color of their skin. One of the plaintiffs scored higher than anyone else on the captain’s exam that year, but his test along with 13 others was thrown out.

I know, you’re sitting there saying it’s typical racism, that black people are being discriminated against as usual. Well, the people passed-over for promotion were 13 whites and 1 Hispanic. Their tests where thrown out because not enough minorities scored well enough to be promoted.

It amazes me how our country bends from one direction to the next. We’re trying hard not to be racist, but we’re not actually stopping the racism, we’re just applying it to someone else.

The thing that bothers me is that every story I’ve read about this over the past few years has referred to the incident as “reverse discrimination.” This ticks my clock because there is no such thing a “reverse” discrimination. There is only discrimination, it's the same no matter who you apply it to.

Saying there is such a thing as reverse discrimination implies that only one race can be discriminated against, and everyone else is racist, like they are the only people who can commit discrimination, and if the minority group does it, they’re just reversing the discrimination they’ve been suffering through.

Discrimination and bigotry are the same for everyone. No matter what race you apply it to it doesn’t reverse it.

God created all of us, and Jesus told us to love one another as He has loved us. He didn’t specify a color.

And yes, I'm bigoted... I love everyone the same.

“God, please help us to see each other as you see us, and love each other as your Son told us. Amen.”


Unknown said...

there are few people who understand that there is no such thing as reverse racism. When we hear the word racism we automatically assume it means "black people". I'm always amazed at how African Americans can have jokes about white people, but when the opposite happens, the world spins upside down. I'm a victim of racism of all sorts--my ex husband is hispanic and I have hispanic children. My current husband is black and we have kids together. My husband has two black children from his first marriage. Together we have five...all of different skin. One time we all went to dinner together, and the waitress asked us if we wanted separate checks. I had never been so offended, EVER. This world is crazy...Praise the Sovereign God who loves us all equally....

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you blogging again, Bret.

As for Tiffany, I agree. But that said, more importantly I am glad I was not the waitress to receive your words of encouragement after the question of separate checks. :)

As for the reverse discrimination in New Haven. I've been to New Haven. No further explanation is required. There is nothing new in New Haven.

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