I read a story online about a large rock slab that was discovered that had ancient writing on it from way before the time of Jesus, and it foretold of a Messiah who would come and be killed and would rise in 3 days.
I thought this was interesting because it shows just one more account of what Jesus was going to do, long before he ever got here.
Well, some “Professor” from somewhere decided to write a paper on how this proves that the story of Jesus isn’t true because the people who wrote the Bible were just using a story that had already been told. That because the story of Jesus wasn’t original, it was just an old story plagiarized.
Oy, it never ceases to amaze me how the enemy works. And to make it worse there was an online discussion thread where people could put their comments. A lot of them were from believers who saw the obvious, which was that it was another prophecy in a long line of prophecies about Jesus. But then there were a bunch of people who said it proves that Jesus was just a story and religion was bad and made the world bad.
It’s frustrating to have to read such opinions, and it seems that the people who scream the loudest about how the Bible isn’t true are the ones who have never opened it.
As an American, I believe everyone has a right to an opinion and a right to believe what ever they want, so it bothers me that these people say they’ll defend our freedoms to the death, right up until you want to talk about Jesus, then suddenly you’re not allowed to have an opinion and you’re a bad person.
I look around the world and I don’t see followers of Christ doing bad things. Not real followers of Christ, that is. They aren’t blowing people up, or taking away their rights, or forcing them to believe what they believe. Christ followers talk about loving one another, and peace, and believing in something that is bigger than all of us. So it saddens me to read how these people think we’re the cause of the world’s problems.
I guess all I can do is to continue to try and affect the small world around me, and I challenge you to do the same. Tell someone that Jesus loves them today.
“God, I know the enemy has deceived many, and will continue to do so until you end his reign. Any chance it could be soon? Please.”