The result was a predictable hailstorm of liberals spewing hatred at the company, even so far as Anthony Bourdain from the Travel Channel chiming in with his two cents in a Tweet that said “Dear Brown Coffee: God called. He said you suck.” How arrogant do you have to be to think you can speak for God? Your quip is both offensive and intolerant, Mr. Bourdain.
Yes, I said intolerant. The liberal’s buzzword for anyone who doesn’t agree with their views. I submit that it’s the liberal community who are actually intolerant to other people’s Constitutional right to free speech. Mr. Blanco’s comment didn’t say “Kill homosexuals,” he simply posted that he doesn’t agree with homosexual marriage. It wasn’t a hateful statement; it was just his opinion for which I spent 21 years in the military defending our Constitution so he could voice his opinion as a free American, just as I defend the homosexual’s right to free speech too! We’re supposed to be a free society in which we can agree to disagree about anything, and voice our opinions without fear of being harmed.
Our society has degenerated to the point that only a few are allowed to have an opinion and if you disagree with them you’re vilified in the media and your livelihood is threatened. Just because someone disagrees with homosexuals they are instantly labeled as intolerant and homophobic, when it is them who are being intolerant by trying to take away people’s right to disagree with them.
What Mr. Blanco did wasn’t smart. Using his business account to give a personal opinion about a hot-button topic like homosexual marriage was a bad idea. Business owners should know their business has to be neutral unless they want to lose a segment of consumers. But he didn’t express it in a way that would cause physical harm to anyone, so the hatefulness being delivered to him and his business by the liberal community is just another attempt to chip away at our Constitution and force people to bend to their way of thinking.
Christ commanded us to love one another. He didn’t specify a race, color or politics. He meant everyone. So that’s what I do. I don’t care if you’re homosexual; my only concern is whether or not you have a personal relationship with Christ. After that, you and Him can work out the particulars of your lifestyle choices.
“God, please help us to love each other the way you love us, and to be bold enough to stand up for the truth that you have given us in your infallible Word.”